09 enero 2009


les escribí a los de la FAA para consultarles respecto al procedimiento que teníamos antes de las cortinillas abiertas durante aterrizajes y despegues, y me acaban de contestar, les envío la respuesta para no crear más desinformación en radiopasillo, pásenla, porfa.

From: faa@mailwc.custhelp.com

Date: Wed, 7 Jan 2009 15:20:28 -0500
Subject: I want to know if the preparation in the cabin for take off and landing inclu... [Incident: 081220-000009]

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I want to know if the preparation in the cabin for take off and landing inclu...

Discussion Thread
Response (FAA Customer Service Agent)01/07/2009 03:20 PM
Dear Ms. Santiesteban:

It is not an FAA regulation that aircraft window shades be in the up [or open] position during takeoff and landing or down before takeoff and landing. Some airlines do subscribe to the practice of having the shades open, however, believing that doing so might improve visibility and overall performance by crew and passengers if, for example, an emergency evacuation should become necessary.

Customer (Yria Santiesteban)12/20/2008 06:17 PM

I want to know if the preparation in the cabin for take off and landing include having the window shades open, as it used to be mandatory during all of our flights, and just recently, Mexicana Airlines has just told us that it doesn´t matter anymore and we should not force de passengers to open them . I thought that FAA regulated that and it was for safety reasons in case of an emergency or evacuation to have them open during take off and landing, at least in all of our US flights.

I have been a flight attendant for 22 years and am concerned about it.Thank you.